
Hey! My name’s Aly. So glad that you’ve stumbled upon my blog! I started this blog with the intentions of helping people who want to change or improve their eating lifestyle! And yes, eating is a lifestyle. Food is such an important part of our days – it’s crazy. We argue over what and where to eat, we get cranky if we’re hungry, we get random cravings that no matter how hard we try, we just can’t say no! I get it, I totally understand. We are human, food will always be a huge part of our lives. I’m here to tell you that cutting out your favorite foods in order to lose weight will not work in the long run, and it is not the answer! It’s a temporary solution. I lost 40 pounds over 1.5 years from Intermittent Fasting and I didn’t have to cut out any of my favorite foods/desserts! If you’re interested in reading more about my story and the wonders that Intermittent Fasting did for me, keep reading!

**DISCLAIMER: I am not a health professional! The purpose of this blog is solely to share my experience with Intermittent Fasting and weight loss.**

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