So, What About the Bad Days?

We all have them. Days that we don’t want to look at ourselves in the mirror. Days that we are too afraid to step on the scale. Trust me, I understand completely.

Every now and then, it’s hard for me to “stay strong” when fasting.

And that’s okay. That’s called being human.

You are allowed to have “off days”.

I don’t have much else to say besides this: don’t be so hard on yourself. You are trying your best. You are human.

I just went through a period of about two consecutive weeks of breaking my fast at night by eating ice cream every night.

I felt absolutely horrible about myself for allowing it to snowball like that.

But you know what? That’s life. As long as you can get back into your routine/diet/lifestyle/whatever you want to call it/ then you’re fine.

I feel like some people often think of me as some “Intermittent Fasting Robot” that can easily say “no” to any food that’s offered to me and doesn’t mind working out 5x a week. But no, that couldn’t be farther from the truth. You know why? Because I’m human.

I get those cravings that I just can’t ignore. I fall off the wagon for a couple of days. I chose to lay in bed and relax instead of working out.

Nobody is perfect. No matter how hard we try, we will never be. We can only become better versions of ourselves and accept and overcome the difficulties that may be thrown our way.

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